SimpleBills is a big fan of data. It’s how we conduct our business, and it’s how we help you conduct yours. By tracking utility usage, spending and variances, we can effectively and efficiently help you keep your spending down while keeping you and your residents organized when it comes to utilities.
For starters, we know that some of the largest potential for unforeseen utility expenses are in vacant units and common areas. These areas are often overlooked but can be the cause of a lot of money down the drain. In fact, we recently noticed a steady incline in water expense at one of our clients’ properties. After running several tests, we were able to trace the causes directly back to common areas and vacant units. The property is projected to have saved $20,000 because of our data tracking!
Now let’s talk about variance reports, because after all, we wouldn’t have spotted something fishy going on at that property without it. By comparing month-to-month utility consumption at each property, it’s easy to spot when something isn’t quite right. We keep our eyes out for spikes and dips in usage and notify the property immediately if anything stands out.
We try to cover all our bases when it comes to giving our clients the information they need. However, if you’re interested in a report that we do not already offer, go ahead and let us know, and we will be happy to build one out for you, free-of-charge! The report will be unique to your property and designed to give you the insights you’re looking for when it comes to cutting costs and giving your residents a positive living experience.
We know reporting means a lot for your business, so it means a lot for us too! SimpleBills has the tools to provide you with an excellent utility management experience. Other than that, you can reach us through our website at https://www.simplebills.com/blog/properties/ or read up on other services we offer that can benefit you and your property!